Tag Archives: Flix In The Stix

A Plea for a Friend – Flix In The Stix




A passion for Doctor Who is one thing that all readers of this blog share, including a dear friend who would really appreciate your votes in an Australian Band Competition. Lyndall Dalley plays percussion in the blues outfit Frank Macias who were the Bowral finalists in the 2014 Commonwealth Bank Flix in the Stix competition. My old school friend and her band mates are in the running for the major prize of $5,000. Voting is being conducted through Facebook and closes at 5 p.m. on Friday.  One vote per Facebook account is permitted each day at https://www.facebook.com/flixinthestix?sk=app_403834839671843&brandloc=DISABLE&app_data=dlt-1

Frank Macias and Los Amigos.  My friend Lyndall Dalley is seen here playing the tambourine.

Frank Macias and Los Amigos. My friend Lyndall Dalley is seen here playing the tambourine.

Lyndall’s band is only 60 votes behind the current leaders. A daily vote from all our blog readers would be greatly appreciated by my friend whose favourite Doctor is Jon Pertwee. In the meantime you can check out Frank Macias’ website here.

Vivien Fleming. 

©Vivien Fleming, 2014.